Thursday, March 30, 2006

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What is the mafia? Who is the mafia?
The Sicilian people has always been a people wise was able to give a name to something intangible, fluid and intangible, of "underground" ... and you know, when you give a name to something you have in part, enters fully into consciousness and becomes a part of our lives. The award is the first essential step: the Mafia is a name!
That said, what is this name?
you ever look around? I say in your daily life. You do not know anyone who has found work because someone else helped him, submitted it to a friend of a friend, a relative of his wife's aunt
etc ... Of course! And this, like giving the name to something, is the first step towards the mob: create debt of honor. If you think about it, soon you realize that everything around us has something Mafioso in his nature: that the mayor is doing only in the maintenance of good neighborhood city, the country road that bypasses a ground that "could not be expropriated," the friend who has just the middle school and takes a job for which you must at least be qualified, the employee of the municipality that spends the day talking, drinking coffee smoking and instead attend to the practices without being ever taken by anyone, the archaeological excavation that is open and never closed because "the money to serve other"
... And that's just talk about the world of so-called "work". Why, if we look at the University change anything? Ever heard of a professor of cartography in teaching geography, but just happens to have graduated in philosophy! Nothing wrong with that if they could do their job ... too bad they think that a line joining the contour lines and points situated at the same altitude but not at the same level average sea level ... as if between the two there was a difference ... "and not afford to contradict because the teachers did not contradict each other, you're a cocky if you do ... "
" But teacher, the book that you told us to study so it is written ... "
" no matter what is written in the book, know the books are wrong! You have to learn what I tell you! "
And then, if you want to do a thesis studying the situation in Turkey can not because funds, which by law they exist, have been given to the student council. " So far, it should be a boon for students, but ... "You are deployed with some student association?" "No, I'm just a student pays taxes in this University ..." "I'm sorry, if you are not endorsed by anyone you can not ... "" But I am a student and you are the student council, not the student associations ... "" Never mind, we plan to do a study holiday in Cuba with our association ... and those of the association instead organized a mega-concert ... this money for your own research we can not give you anything ... "" but, guys, you realize? The University should focus on research and ... "" What? ... I'm sorry, I must leave you, I have an important appointment, I have an appointment with the rector ... "

Yes, because we are the mafia, who remain silent and not say anything in front of these things. The Mafia is a name and the Sicilians were brilliant inventiveness, gave a face to something, now can recognize it and, if desired, fight!
As you would call a politician who is a law to avoid going to jail by releasing this "burden" all those who, like him, they stole money and dignity to our citizens for years ... not the mafia, it's not Sicilian, let's see here ... ... call it ...
That's the problem, did not name this thing, how do we fight it?
And if by tomorrow morning on TV they spoke only of Golf and all the news not related to golf were not passed? 'd End to think that the whole world has started to play golf, then ... "is just that you begin to do that, I'd be different if I did not!"
know what a beautiful world? Only balls, holes and clubs from morning to night ... a big splash!
And if tomorrow instead, turning on the TV spoke only a quarter of the world, only one quarter of what happens ... and it is only that which pleases the fourth who manages and administers the TV, economists and politicians (even worse if the two categories overlap). Our perception of the world would be less than half, would be one fourth of the real, the fourth of interest to someone else who decided for us what is important and what is not.

But, if tomorrow the information we did we succeed? If we stop to listen to newspaper reporters and stop talking about "men and women" or "Friends" and talk about the last film we saw at the cinema ...
And if we stop to keep silent, hoping that the arrival 'man of the center solver left to remove all evil?
And if tomorrow, at work or university, we went from our boss or the teacher and we say what we think?
And if getting on the train late twentieth of one hour in a month we choose "all" not to pay the ticket for a month to recover all the money we spent for a service ever received?
agissimo And if instead of talking and complaining?
Maybe everyone stop being mafia, because this is what we are as long as we remain in silence: the Mafia is not just those who kill and commands, and even those who remain to watch without saying anything. Indeed, it is mainly those who remain in silence, watching