short, I think that my students have been happy. We finished with Oedipus Friday, September 4, when they realized that Oedipus killed his father and married his mother did a oooh! oh my God! that I learned that at least what they guessed. I think avergliela sold well, like a detective story, a story that we read to understand Who is the culprit, with an adjoining plot twist: they liked, and I managed to make them understand each revolution of the plot in a reasonable number of hours. I had written on the chalkboard map of the places, the arrows with the paths of the protagonists, and a multiplication table with the names of possible killers of Laius, as they are gradually brought into tragedy: 1) street gang, 2) a faction hostile, 3) Tiresias and Creon, 4) Oedipus himself, before the last lesson, I caught Dorcas who fled after putting in place a 5) on the board, I asked him what he wanted to write, and Brenda informed me laugh that he wanted to put his name as a fifth suspect. No sooner said than done. I wrote: 5) Dorcas. When the occasion to reveal the mechanism final and therefore guilty of murder, I have reviewed all the options and I canceled one after another, I stopped at 5), before reaching 4) Oedipus, and said more or less Uhm. I do not think That Dorcas killed Laius, do not you? were rolled with laughter.
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