Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Blob Like Cervical Mucus

Training Bodies (2)

You have no idea of \u200b\u200bhow trickle stories with music, the dark and alone. The music gives the font to the characters: it gives generic cut with a hatchet, so I can take action through imagination knows no sophistry and persuasion, but the violence and calm, strong colors and the harmonious, the complicated plots and the obvious. With ears surrounded by an air of Gluck I wrote my best stuff, because it was within reason, and the reason he was there, bright, laid flat into the top of the air, reinforced by the vocal line, and shoved in the end, because where we started, it ends there. Writing, I knew the same things music. I would have never written to the dead, devils, hands that strangle and blood, if you died in my time with Electra in 'Idomeneo .

The ears have written my work. They saw the plots lie in the counterpoint, gave words and thoughts insolence of a violin in a concert for strings, they wanted to talk about the apocalypse that the music left bare logic flew with wings spread, as far as the cage ' eye was a bullet away.


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