Monday, February 28, 2011

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Berberis thunbergii 'Atropurpurea'

family Berberidaceae
common name: purple Japanese barberry

ETYMOLOGY: The name Such is coined from the Arabic Barbarisi , With whom he was named the fruit of this plant. The specific attribute is given in honor of Swedish botanist Thunberg CP (1743-1828), pupil and successor of Linnaeus, active student of the flora of the Far East, South Africa and Ceylon, introduced in Europe promoter of many species to growing in the gardens.

it is a red-purple-leaved cultivar, similar in habit to the type species , but up to 150 cm high. Branches are thorny and flowers, gathered in small clusters, are yellow-cream. The complex offers a point of interest in all seasons and for the purple color of the foliage, which in Autumn truly ornamental, both for decorative and fragrant flowers that arises as a result of red berries that persist on the plant during the winter and are appetite very small animals.

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Calocedrus decurrens 'Aureovariegata'

Family: Cupressaceae
synonym: Calocedrus decurrens 'Aurea'
common name: variegated libocedro

ETYMOLOGY: The generic name is given by the union of the greek word Kalòs (beautiful ) and the Latin Cedrus (cedar, cedar-like plant). The specific attribute Latin decurrens (down down) refers to the arrangement of foliage

the libocedro is a variegated variety a pyramidal habit, with dense foliage and smooth.
The characteristics are similar to the type species, from which it differs widely and irregularly mottled foliage from twigs bearing leaves golden yellow

the growth of this variety is slower than the type species, making it suitable for use in small gardens

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Best Homemade Jackoff Toy

Berberis thunbergii 'Admiration'

family Berberidaceae
common name: red Japanese barberry

ETYMOLOGY : the genus name was coined from the Arabic Barbarisi , with whom was named the fruit of the common barberry (Berberis vulgaris ). The specific attribute is given in honor of Swedish botanist Thunberg CP (1743-1828), pupil and successor of Linnaeus, active student of the flora of the Far East, South Africa and Ceylon, introduced in Europe promoter of many species to growing in the gardens.

it is a cultivar bearing a smaller and narrower than the type species, with smaller leaves and bright crimson red, sometimes bordered with yellow. The flowers appear in summer and are pink pale crimson berries follow them. It grows well in all soil types and locations of light.
To encourage branching and more compact growth, it is appropriate, especially in the early years, 'pinch' the vegetation, removing the apical buds and encouraging the hatching of the side walls.
This cultivar, introduced into cultivation in 2006, and a maximum of 40-50 cm in height and as many wide. also excellent autumn coloring of the foliage, bright red

Berberis thunbergii

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Berberis thunbergii De Cand.

family Berberidaceae
common name: Japanese barberry, Thunberg's barberry

Etymology: the genus name was coined from the Arabic Barbarisi , with whom he was named the fruit of the common barberry (Berberis vulgaris). The specific attribute is given in honor of Swedish botanist Thunberg CP (1743-1828), pupil and successor of Linnaeus, active student of the flora of the Far East, South Africa and Ceylon, introduced in Europe promoter of many species for cultivation in gardens.

Japanese barberry is a deciduous shrub of medium size, tall and up to 3 meters wide, from Japan and eastern regions of ' Asia. Has compact habit, with dense foliage and disordered thin branches and spiny, curved, light brown. The plugs, placed in leaf nodes, are long and thin, single but sometimes three in number. It is used as an ornamental plant in the whole northern hemisphere, although the typical species has been supplanted by a number of strains grown in the gardens of the activity nursery. While preferring loose ground and slightly acidic, with a little limestone, it adapts very well to different soil conditions, even on difficult substrates and poor. Prefers sunny or light shade, tolerates easily polluted the atmosphere of the city and is highly resistant to rather drastic pruning, they can safely be used for urban areas rather difficult.

leaves are deciduous, sub-sessile, obovate, the margins entire, deep green on the page higher glaucescent at the bottom. In the autumn assumes a red color and very showy ornamental

flowers, gathered in racemes 1-2 cm long, bloom continuously from May to June , giving rise to small berries ovoid orange and scarlet in color at first, edible and highly appreciated by birds.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Acer campestre L. 1753

family Sapindaceae
Common names: maple, Testucchio, opium dross

Etymology: the genus name was coined from the Latin acer (hard, harsh) for The hardened timber. The specific attribute Latin country indicates the spontaneous presence of this species in cropped field

the maple is a deciduous tree (sometimes large bush) of medium size, high average, up to 7-12 meters (but can reach 18-20). E 'spread spontaneously in much of Europe, as far north as England and the southern part of Scandinavia, while in the south embraces the entire Mediterranean basin and North Africa, reaching east to Anatolia and the middle East.
In Italy is very present in the plains and forests, to an altitude of 1000 m. The trunk is often twisted and branched, with rounded crown loose. The bark is brown, fissured into rectangular plates. The twigs are thin and covered with a fuzz that differentiates them from those of other wild species of maple in Italy.
He enta the growth and lives well in sunny or partial shade. While preferring calcareous soils and fresh, well-drained soil, although rich in texture, it adapts very well to all types of terrain and is very rustic, very well tolerated and the winter frosts that high summer temperatures. Being a tree bearing a small scale and well cut, in the past has been widely used, especially in Emilia-Romagna, in the vineyards as a tutor for live lives. The wood was used instead to build tools for farming and kitchen tools. Today, the typical species is rarely used in gardens, while still very common in the countryside, along ditches and canals. He also finds occasional use for hedges and as hardy ornamental tree, showing some effectiveness in the consolidation of slopes subject to landslides. It 'very mellifera plant and the leaves are an excellent fodder for animals.

leaves are opposite, with a petiole of 5-7 cm, palmate, with 3-5 rounded lobes (which in turn can be sub-lobed) and margin smooth. Their color is dark green on the upper, lighter and lower in the presence of a certain tomentositĂ . In autumn, before falling, look yellow very lively and very showy

flowering is almost insignificant in terms of ornamentation.
The small flowers, inconspicuous, greenish-yellow in color are taken to erect and pubescent corymbs, about 10 cm long, which together form the leaves and appear in May-June. They are much visited by bees willingly

fruits unloved, that seed heads formed each of two samaras with wings as opposed to 180 °, generally from 2 to 4 cm long. In ripening stage have a yellowish or light green, with reddish hues, while at maturity, in autumn, they turn to brown. When you detach from the plant two wings allow them to be transported over long distances.

FOOD AND OFFICINALE: parts of the plant are not consumed directly, but the flowers allowing the bees to produce excellent honey, and fruits are a roasted coffee substitute. The leaves are an excellent forage for domestic animals. The decoction of bark, of course, to be used under the supervision A specialist is effective in the treatment of skin rashes, also showed mild anticolesterolemiche property and a stimulating effect on metabolism

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Waldsteinia ternata Willd.

family Rosaceae
synonym: Waldstein sibirica

ETYMOLOGY: The name of usually refers to an Austrian botanist, Count of Waldstein-Warterburg (1750-1823), author of works describing the flora of Hungary. The specific attribute Latin ternata indicates the breakdown of leaves in the three leaflets

the Waldstein is a herbaceous perennial semi-evergreen ground cover to behavior, originally from Central and Eastern Asia (Siberia, China and Japan), high up to 10-15 cm wide and up to 15-30 very similar to strawberry . Spreads through the issuance of stolons and has a fairly slow growth. It grows equally well in sun to semi-shaded position in moist soil or dry (dry soils and shady growth is however very small). It's definitely a low ground cover from crop needs, which rarely tends to be invasive to other plants. The division of the plants to multiply can be done in autumn or in spring

leaves are glossy and dark green, mostly basal and petiolate ternate, up to 12 cm long, with individual leaves in the shape of shells with toothed margins and more or less deeply lobed

flowers, similar to those of the strawberry, but bright yellow, bloom from April to June and are worn inflorescence composed of 3-7 elements each about 2 cm wide

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Best Homemade Jack Off Toy

Viburnum opulus L. 1753

Family: Caprifoliaceae
Synonyms: Viburnum trilobum Marsh
common name: balloon in May, snowball

ETYMOLOGY: The genus name is the one with which the ancient Romans called this plant, apparently originated from the term Viere (wire, twist), referring to the flexibility of the branches, once used to make baskets. The specific attribute opulus is the ancient Latin name of the maple country, and is due to the similarity to those of the leaves of the plant

viburnum 'Snowball' is a large shrub or small deciduous tree up to 3-4 meters tall, with generally ovate or rounded crown, common in the northern hemisphere from Europe Japan, for its very decorative characteristic and abundant flowering, with white flowers, fragrant and corymbs or ombrelliformi peaks. In Italy it is widespread in the wild mainly in the northern regions, where he lives in a damp and cool, in bright sunlight or in the undergrowth. highly tolerant to polluted air of cities and, although adapting well to different substrates, p redilige calcareous soils rich in minerals. Of all the viburnum is by far the most popular and as original species, indigenous in Italy, both as ornamental species in many varieties derived from the selection nursery

leaves are opposite, with 3-5 lobes and briefly petiolate, similar in shape to those of maples, with a margin rounded and irregular teeth, length of up to 10 cm. The upper surface is hairless and dark green, while the bottom is finely pubescent and slightly lighter. The petiole has clear greenish nectar glands, located in its upper portion, which attract ants

flowers, which appear in May-June, are in corymbs glabrous, ombrelliformi, of about 7-12 cm in diameter: the peripheral flowers are larger than domestic ones, and are sterile, very fragrant, with the function of attract pollinators, the flowers fertile interior all'infiorescenza lead five stamens with yellow anthers

fruits are fleshy drupes, globose and shining, translucent, with a diameter of 6-8 mm, greenish at first then a nice bright red color at maturity (August-September), often persist after leaf fall. Grouped in clusters, grow in the middle of corymb, matching the flowers fertile and contain a single seed, flat heart-shaped: they are dall'avifauna appetite, but if ingested by humans, are toxic and can cause severe intestinal pain

take in the leaves autumn, before falling, a very vibrant red color and showy

Saturday, February 12, 2011

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Taxus baccata L. 1753

family Taxaceae
common name: yew, tree of death

ETYMOLOGY: The genus name is the same with which the ancient Latin name for the plant, in turn derived from the greek taxon (arrow), due to use of arms for the construction of poisonous darts. The specific attribute Latin baccata indicates the presence of fruit like berries

rate is a conifer evergreen, spontaneous and widespread throughout the continent of Europe to the Caucasus and northern allAfrica, slow growing but can reach 15-20 feet tall. It 's a very long-lived plant specimens and if they know of about 2000 years. In Italy it is particularly parks and gardens, while in the wild is uncommon enough to be considered a protected species in some regions, mainly central and southern (populations the most notable are those of the Gargano Foresta Umbra ). can occur in a tree or shrub, with spreading habit and foliage of irregular globular shape, with very low branches. It lends itself to the formation of the Ars hedges and topiary, because highly tolerant to pruning, but can also be used as an isolated specimen. Also resistant to the atmosphere polluted cities and is not subject to severe attacks by parasites. Prefers cool, moist and shady and limestone soils. All parts of the plant are poisonous, except dell'arillo reddish covering the seeds

leaves are opposite, needle-like, flattened and slightly arched, dark green on the upper side, lighter in the lower, with the apex acute but not pungent, typically arranged in a herringbone pattern on twigs

bark, reddish-brown, initially smooth but rises with age curling and splitting into plates, while the trunk becomes thick twisted .. In the pictures we see an old specimen with a hollowed log, which has remained a vital side branch only

rate is a dioecious species, with male and female reproductive elements taken from separate plants. Those are small male cones globose, situated at the bottom of the branches, while women are isolated and at the base of the leaves. The second origin of the fruit, which is actually a aril , bell-shaped fleshy excrescence covering a single seed very poisonous, red, mucilaginous and sweet, very appreciated by birds, which do not Riec to digest the seed and expel the excrements, favoring so the spread of the plant in the area. The aril is the only part of the plant is not poisonous, while the seeds, bark and leaves contain alkaloids very harmful, especially tassina .

WARNING: In case of intoxication is not advisable to induce vomiting, but even in the absence of symptoms, leading the person to the emergency Emergency services and contact a poison control center.

MEDICINAL USE: The rate in the past was used as an antiseptic, the decoction of the berries in the bronchial, but with significant problems due to the difficulty of dosing.
Currently its main use is in cancer treatment, however, thanks to its bark taxol, a substance that has shown some activity in the treatment of certain cancers.