In these times when the so-called "e-commerce becomes an increasingly widespread phenomenon, for a variety of reasons, you find yourself having to do with a particular type of cost (defined as a cost option) in addition the cost of goods purchased, that the shipping costs.
e-commerce is becoming increasingly popular thanks to a network of Internet sites that bring many readers (even the most diverse and unavailable) at a click by the consumer, and often at great prices! The convenience of electronic payments and the willingness to ship the majority of sites do the rest. Can you say with absolute certainty that store to buy everything you need to do candles or soap in the house? There is a book you want but not able to find in the library or in bookstores? You do not know where to find parts for your car or spare parts for household / small electronics without going by the retailer (who peels)? The phone that you like there in the big shopping centers? In all these cases, e-commerce to the rescue. There is a site designed for your needs (such as small shops or workshops of the country) and some types are more like huge ebay "stores".
Ok, I found what I wanted and I can easily pay by credit card or the like ... but as it came to my house? This is where the central theme Today: the cost of shipping.
There is no fixed rule applies to all: each site gets a little 'what I believe. There are sites that offer different methods of delivery that the customer can choose according to your needs (it is often the urgency of the goods), there are sites that offer a single flat rate shipping method, there are sites that offer methods Shipping price in increments of weight, while others offer shipping at a fixed rate which becomes free over a certain threshold of expenditure, but others that the flat rate plus an amount below a certain threshold of spending, others still offer free shipping compared to payments by credit card ... so everyone take its policy.
example that we take the case of a site that makes English Autoricambi flat rate shipping in batches of 30kg each, the price of 14 € per 30kg. This means that up to 30kg of goods will always pay € 14 fixed, at 31 ° kg will pay another 14 €. In these cases it is clear and useful to find a friend who needs an order from that site so as to divide the costs. That is really the saying "more is better, the better"?
Just set the formula to excel and make the graph to realize the real value.

curve drops rapidly and now tends to flatten out significantly since about the value of 3.
This means that more friends will involve more than the benefit decreases to practically disappear. As we can easily see from the data, the cost (per person) are reduced to 50% with 2 friends and to 33.3% with 3 friends. It should be noted, however, is the marginal importance of savings, or savings that you get the involvement of one more friend. In fact, if in step 1 to 2 reduces the cost by 50%, from 2 to 3 is reduced by 16.7%. We can then resume the consideration of first saying "friends are more involved than the marginal gain decreases, to practically disappear." Let us make another example: even from 3 to 4 friends del'8 further savings, 3% in terms of money equivalent to approximately € 1.16. If we think then that in the transition from 8 to 10 friends would save a further 0.7% (or 10cent) we have the evidence to the phenomenon described.
There is saying that having a "group" of many buyers creates considerable problems in logistics, raising money and subsequent delivery of the goods once received the order at the home of "head-group" ... problems that often result in costs that frustrate the small savings achieved. Also important is the fact that with a big order is likely to exceed the threshold of 30kg defeating everything that you try to do to save a few €. The council is
then assess the extent to which you save money and involve friends until it easier to keep raising money and distributing the goods. Tend to, my personal recommendation, I would say to keep the limit as the number of 3-4 people.
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