Good reading
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The just punishment hath been materialized in the form of a blizzard that rages to do Menica evening on London and parts of England, we have not seen a snowfall in decades, with airports closed and urban transport paralyzed. And who, if not nature, was responsible for responding promptly to Jonathon Porritt, the environmental consultant and chairman of the British Government to sustainable development? This gentleman, as he wrote in the Sunday Times says that "curbing population growth through contraception and abortion should be the focus of policies to combat global warming" and announced that it will work in all places to go the principle which "have more than two children per couple is irresponsible because it creates environmental damage.
In other words, procreate would be "an impossible burden." If this is also taken with the green activists, of which he is a guru of the world: "They must stop dodging the issue of environmental damage caused by an increase in population." Cowardly opportunists. Porritt, government adviser from the time of Prime Minister Tony Blair (who's young, you wretch, has scored four), is worried: every newborn during his life burns a lot of coal equivalent to 2.5 acres (1.01 hectares ) of oak, "a wooded area the size of Trafalgar Square." And if he continues to snow and cold make this bill will be even worse ... It should be 'on the planet to explain that only 1 percent of the land has been urbanized dall'odiatissimo Homo sapiens. Even taking into account that some of the same is uninhabitable (namely 60 million square kilometers out of 150), the proportion occupied by the young of hominid remains microscopic.
The tenants of the globe could be gathered, where are suited to the current population density of Italy (192 inhabitants per square kilometer), an area as vast as Russia, Brazil and Australia. In which further progress over 2 million square meters completely deserted. Can Incredibly, however, if humanity decided tomorrow to move in case of Texas, the population density of the American state would rise to 8,695 inhabitants per square kilometer. Much lower than that of New York (10,200 inhabitants, which become even 26,000 to Manhattan) and equal to that of Naples, as I said Riccardo Cascioli, author of an illuminating essay, The lies of the environmentalists, published by Piemme.
Who would have thought? The civilized UK comes dangerously close to the Republic of China, which pursues the family planning through the State of coercive abortion. The incredible irony is that on the London market the eggs of 'donor' worth £ 250 each. Fertilized in vitro, are used to realize the dream of motherhood and fatherhood to many infertile couples. They must be just crazy, these living beings, to decide to reproduce at all costs, even when nature has programmed to prevent. We expect the most inhuman of all worlds, where people will be sacrificed to preserve the plants. No children, on the other hand many ficus benjamin.
Porritt, certainly not counted among the big ones, has at least a century Anglo-Saxon world in his solid supporters. The League for birth control, feminist Margaret Sanger founded the nurse, was financed by bankers (Rockefeller), industry (Ford, Shell, Standard Oil, Du Pont) and Protestant foundations that we had to death with prolific immigrants Jews and Catholics. "More children from healthy children aged less weak, this is the principle of birth control," theorized the Sanger, well ahead of Hitler. Where we were weak, the Italians mean. And from the American Sanger unhealthy ideas originated in 1952 the IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation) that still inspires the UN population policies. His counterpart in the Old Continent was, until half a century ago, the British Marie Stopes, another feminist so attached at eugenics program to disinherit his son Harry Stopes Roe for having married a woman shortsighted. Then would come the imitators, the Porritt.
It should keep in mind: the same people who founded the society of eugenics and birth control were also the first association for promoting environmental conservation. Which, in their Badar, would be perfect as long as the only man to become extinct. History repeats itself. For goodness sake, even St. Jerome, who was not a Malthusian, in the fourth century, argued that "the world is full and the population is too large for the capacity of the Earth. " But at least not as a remedy never advised abortion. He just translated the Bible. If Mr. Porritt stopped looking after children and tried to devote himself to the Bonsai Gardens, Kew, maybe 1,500 years he would be remembered with gratitude by the survivors.

The idiocy of Veltroni in the form of "slogan"
Posted by Julius Caesar, April 17, 2008
overwhelmed by the tsunami that resulted in the recent elections, many political forces and, with them, their representatives were literally swept on.
And perhaps there are those who care about the disappearance of environmentalists from the Italian political scene and the Parliament of the new legislature. But the Greens have been removed from their own voters, among other things had not even the first since they were in the past governments only because of the unholy alliance pre-election
necessary for the government to force those who had no such power: from Fassino D'Alema, Veltroni by Finocchiaro.
The enormous power of the Greens, compared to their poor and skimpy 2% (!) Of electoral support, was exercised only achieved thanks to the blackmail because they love it, always, exercise.
The difference between the past and today is that were tolerated in the past and today, finally, no more. And it is possible that many of those who would have voted for the Left instead of Bertinotti they turned their backs for being allied with the Greens.
Environmentalism is not a political idea.
Worrying about their absence in the parliament, as the environmental voice is like worrying about the absence of any healthy party whose existence is justified on the grounds that others ignore or, worse, justify the diseases! The issue of protection of environmental health is dear to all: the Santanchè, Fini, Bossi, Berlusconi, Casini, Di Pietro, Veltroni and also Bertinotti. At all.
at all, but not the Greens.
Environmental protection is a scientific question. And science, like it or not, is not democratic. In denying the science, The Greens have been shown to be the only ones to row against the Environment:
They made us abandon the nuclear program - the first source of electricity in Europe - forcing us to pollute the excessive use of fossil fuels. In the name of what? In the name of that colossal fake science that would not solve the problem of radioactive waste
: a problem, however, fully resolved, however, as evidenced by the fact that with nearly 60 nuclear reactors at home, the problem of radioactive waste was never raised by any
French or Japanese citizen. Instead, many citizens of the province of Naples, although governed by a Green - or perhaps because of it - do not have the strength to
raise even the simple problem of trash.
In the name of protection against childhood leukemia have promoted the underground electricity transmission cables, which are rather harmless!, Thereby subtracting resources to the fight against childhood leukemia one million euro per kilometer of cable
They claimed that it was blocking the construction of the bridge over the Straits of Messina, whose real impact is its absence.
Prevented by the lack of which lay the groundwork for the construction of high speed
in northern Italy. Thus not an important infrastructure that would have connected to Europe with benefits both commercial and passenger traffic has remained high for trucks on our roads, thus maintaining high and pollution that the level of dangerousness of the road.
Their national secretary had stated that you want to share with the defense of the weak. About commendable. Too bad that he, in these two years, in the name of that other huge fake science that purports that the climate can be governed, have pledged public money to spread it is very harmful inutilissimi
of photovoltaic panels, which is the most guaranteed and effective way to permanently bury the weak by wasting expensive and unnecessary equipment resources better used (as if had committed public funds in the distribution of caviar to 200 euro per pound to feed the hungry !!!).
Rather than worry about it, rejoice in their demise! We are all environmentalists. And in parliament are all environmentalists. The only ones who have shown that it did not care about the environment are just the green and fortunately in the parliament there are no more!
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