Bravo Ugo.
I congratulate you on your victory, which is also ours, now it's time to leave for a new and long journey, during which we will have to rebuild rather than destroy, during which we will have to unite what was divided, while which we govern and control.
Ugo Greetings and see you soon again.
I congratulate you on your victory, which is also ours, now it's time to leave for a new and long journey, during which we will have to rebuild rather than destroy, during which we will have to unite what was divided, while which we govern and control.
Ugo Greetings and see you soon again.

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Cagliari, February 17 (AP) - Hugh Cappellacci is the new President of Sardinia Region . The figure is now final: it has gotten to 91 percent of the ballots counted. For the candidate of the center-right 51.86% versus the 42.9 of Renato Soru, President incumbent and candidate for the center-left coalition collapsed just getting to 38.67% against 56.66 of the center. Soru confirms successful leadership in gaining nearly five points ahead of his coalition.
The PDL is the first party in the island more than 30%, the Democratic Party does not reach 25% (in 2004, the Regional Authorities of the three parties then merged into the Democratic Party or DS-DL-Sardinia Project, won 32%). In the center grow the Reformers (about 6 to 7%), and good also the result of the UDC (10%) while the Psd'Az rose from 3.83% in 2004 to 4.35 today. In the center
good progress does Italy of Values, which went from 0.99% in 2004 to 5%. Drops by a point the PRC, which remains at 3%. The Rossomori (sardisti sided with the dissidents Renato Soru) stop at 2%. It turned out to bet the bankruptcy of the socialist party to run alone: \u200b\u200bjust over 2% against 3.76 in 2004. Feather the opportunity to enter in the assembly of Sardinia. The IRS, the Independence Party of Gavino Sale confirms the 2% as a given list, but rejoices in the success of its staff leader who has exceeded 3% in the regional list. A first projection of the seats it allocates 54 and 26 to the center-center for a total of 80 counselors who will make up the new Regional Assembly against 85 of the previous legislature.
26 seats would be allocated to the PDL, UDC 7, 5 to Reformers, the Psd'Az 3, 2-Unit Qty Sardinia and 2 MPA. In the center should be the Democratic Party 17 seats, 3 all'Idv, 2 in the PRC, to a Red Mori, the PDCI and a one-to-left.
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