Dear friends
propose to your attention a comment to the refusal of extradition Battisti, from friends of Lysistrata.
FINALLY A signal of discontinuity 'POLICY
Posted on 01/27/2009 at 17:24:33 GMT Posted by Lysistrata
"Minister Frattini recalled our ambassador from Brazil, for refusing to grant the extradition order to return "home" in Italian prisons that is terrorist Cesare Battisti, for which only a year ago when the government was Romano Prodi had extradited. The reasons given are that it changed the "climate", which results in these terms: the Berlusconi government will not give a certain Cesare Battisti honors that the government reserved the terrorist Baraldini D'Alema, still used in municipal buildings in Rome , although the pact with the United States, ensured the imprisonment of terrorist. Of course it changed the climate, the government knows that the feelings of the people and especially those of the victims are to be respected and the Baptists have no right and above all to ask to receive political asylum, because he is not persecuted, but a persecutor, and, moreover, serial killer, who is guilty of other crimes: he left a young boy in a wheelchair who practically lives with a life sentence that no one can ever take away, robbed and raped an entire nation. I suggest to Mr Frattini, a nice roundup of various stations in the area of \u200b\u200bItaly, among viados, drug dealers and macro rampant of Brazilian nationality, who crowd our streets nocturnal, and a better return on planes with the big belly, like those carrying the military, giving them beautiful and white parachute and send them all to the sender, without warrant, but with lots of greetings from the Italian people, that our poor Brazilians dequalificanti Italy is too full, and Lula has now reached its limit. "
Adriana Bolchini Gaigher
Dear Adriana, I can not sign every word written by you, and add that the Italian should be boycotting the interests of Brazil on our nation, and withdraw funds, mutual funds and investments, implemented by us in respect thereof.
short hit on two fronts. It takes courage, it is true, but being in a position not their own economically "sound" (Now less than ever), we could convince the tangentaro Lula and his minions of finacheggiatori stragista, to come into more merciful.
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