Welcome to this "blog sulfur." Just to introduce myself I submit my article some time ago, published on "Lysistrata" ( ), and winner of the first journalism award, for the following reasons: "article that is clearly result of a deep analytical capabilities, excellent familiarity with the "written word" and freedom of thought demonstrated. With this prize open to all navigators session of online journalism, to which all can participate, with articles
fruit of their creativity. "
fruit of their creativity. "
Good reading

Requiem for communism.
Dear friends.
aftermath elections, the Left has paid a river of tears (vitriolic) election outcome. Not being able to do is blame themselves, how it was handled and how the matter was concluded, have sought scapegoats and excuses of any kind, not only to challenge their underlying ideology, namely that communism that history has definitively buried here too.
recently on the site "Bread and Roses" published an article by Fulvio Grimaldi (you remember? What RAI 3 always appeared in the company of a dachshund), in which the stupidity and bad faith constitute the plot same one which is basted the post-election analysis. With this in mind I am reminded of an observation: if the left really wants to reestablish itself and if these are the basics of Grimaldi "cultural" from which you want to leave, then for the Italian left is no more hope.
"Election 2008. They won the criminals: mobsters, fascists, racists, baciapile, thieves, crooks, war criminals, stupid, ignorant, incompetent. They lost the other, equal but with a "crypto" in front: criptomafiosi, criptorazzisti, crypto fascist ... More criptoladri Colletorto a good dose of direct obedience to the Vatican and bigot. And all this was the order of things after sixty years of corruption ethical and ideological Democrat-piccista nearly two decades of cabaret and behind the scenes with berlusconide lupare, triangles, and the Supreme Court. "
Now. The undersigned voted PDL, and that an idiot who brings a dachshund on a leash to do pee on trees, you help determine thief, thug or mobster, is what makes me turn the testicles much!
Lords of the left should start to re-establish themselves, perhaps starting with the elimination of the insufferable arrogance, accompanied by an innate sense of superiority which has always distinguished them; should learn not just open internal feuds, opening fruitful seasons of cleanup 'Governing system for recover a relationship with the people (the same that they despise), interrupted for years now.
The Italian left is locked in an ivory tower and piss on his head who is below and struggle to lead a decent existence unless you, saving only the chosen few from the crowd attending the "right people" that they, who continue demagoguery to make salon, preaches a class - the working-ed - that they have now lost forever. But let's move
"But for all the gods, hath been taken by Fausto Bertinotti balls, with his whole court of miracles, its prey Tibetan monks eager to prepubescent slaves and small children, his ominicchi, pimps, quaquaraquà, its truffles, hypocrites, Pharisees, his blasphemous auditors of the '900 and communism, disguised as her feminist harpies ginocrate firmaiole of wars and genocide, its good, mild, nonviolent disarmament unilateral long as it is our or the Palestinians or Iraqis or Afghans, and his quacks that the class struggle replace a "cultural trend." as dictated by the vampires in this long night of class. And his ultramodesti sappers to Jordan, his shackles talking with his ass in the hot corner, the Russian Pena, his oxymorons, the Gennaro Migliore, the opposition of His Majesty, a vociferous pants down, the fats and Burgio, its dealers to Dejana and Menapace, its "hold me-good-i-global justice and municipal intrufolaci in the business, the Sentinelli. What people, guys, what people! One consolation is: you Ogliera t even half of that tabloid hoaxes is the political and ideological "liberation" of Sionetti. After the Parliament, the final contribution. And that, in the case of most comic adulterated in Italy, is a relief "
What can I say ... I could gloss saying that after reading a period (literary means) so convulsive, any comment is superfluous and each has its own considerations on. But NO!
Of course, the left - this left - Has sold itself to banks, large industrial and power and is surrounded by pseudo-intellectuals to Fuksas, but the criticism by Grimaldi from the pulpit that they come from? First, by people who - for better or for worse - has shared a common path, both in terms of the ideals that interest.
rushes us into the abyss together, when the road you traveled was the same: a road paved with mistakes, stained by the blood of dissidents and built on a populist project. Too easy
star on the mountain top watching the burning town, repeating their curses and hurling curses on those who set the fire. However, this is the classic attitude of those who for years has prevented an evolution of the left in Italy, flattening the positions of the "do not" or - worse - the "lassez faire" for the exclusive benefit of their friends and friends of friends.
"E" il manifesto "? What I assume all the pillars of the dome accepting imperialist and revitalizing the founding fraud, 9 / 11 to Al Qaeda, from "his holiness" the Dalai Lama - Our boy boasts Bush - the "genocide" in Darfur, from Mugabe " bloodthirsty dictator ", which deprives the good white land consecrated by British colonialism, to give to blacks as incompetent and lazy, the other "Dictator", the poor of Milosevic ever made ethnic cleansing and murder in prison by the will of Carla del Ponte, PM could not demonstrate even one of his accusations Amerikan. And what of Thomas De Francesco evaporated highlights for hours in a book attempting to cover up his infamy as a judge sold to rippers of Yugoslavia and slaughtered one-way alleged "criminals" Serbs, with the rotting fig leaf to prosecution cutthroat and "prime minister of Kosovo, Hashim Taqi, he too had done some killing. "The Manifest" Ciotola of Mariucci at the end, moved her from Hillary to Obama falls in love, even danger to the blob Veltroni; of Giuliana Sgrena, who clouded with tears in their universal whine of the anti-Islamic fundamentalist perfidy; of Roxanna Rossanda, groom pacifist horror bomber Adriano Sofri, panegiricista duped the stars and stripes who directs the TG1, authenticated BR determination on that fake Mafia kissingeriana Israeli-made out of Aldo Moro, who rears a luxury feminist arrogance that even Rocky-Rambo, environmentalist fearful of the end of the world that fights to the end of Venice is arguing with the scam of the sword " Mose. " And Valentino Parlato? Better to hang a veil on her increasingly decrepit and bilious reprimands to readers who do not share unblemished Left in favor of the rainbow, or feel that the newspaper gingillino a chic and trendy, advanced by dominant stereotypes domain through the intervention of rare internal and external partners more often (may Allah bless them and Orpheus). Think, for Veltroni and Bertinotti (a transgender classes and his reggicoda: I beg you, Walter, let me go with you ...) to the "manifesto" voted over 62% (and thus also the Venerable Master Dario For, after ' thrilling adventure with the wife of Peter). "
know what I mean by" evolution of the left "? In light of reading the above I think so! It was just
the attitude of these gentlemen, that is only now that the ship sank and all deny everything, to prevent the birth of a left that had real capacity for governance and dialogue with the opposing party.
Think about it, the merger between former DC and PCI ex, responds to this need, never openly admitted by the ruling class of the left, namely to find a legitimacy to their status of "clearance" through a political force that had a history Government and Opposition.
The failed attempt of accreditation from the body of election by Occhetto (the joyous war machine, remember?), Has produced a veritable state of paranoia within the Italian left, which has thus got rid dell'Achille above, replacing it with a squad of former team (ex, only former) Christian Democrats, led by Prodi. However, this
engulfed the other hand (those who wanted to swallow were swallowed up), has produced a real monster, unrecognizable in the lines and ideology, completely headless and guided only by the interests of big business, by power groups and so but then, populism cattocomunista.
Now that the party is over, now that foolish choices have led to the sad fate of the car left the destruction is too easy, and frankly disgusting, to throw sea \u200b\u200beveryone and everything. You throw out the baby with the bathwater - Veltroni would say the poor - but George has shared much of what he now describes as "ballast", which makes it quite frankly not credible.
"We expect most terrible times. We're on a bobsled run and rush to the bottom at speeds demented and unable to see and understand what passes by and what to expect upon arrival. The global criminal elite, who in imitation of the two ruffians disputed on Sunday-Monday, has its local Maliki and Abu Mazen, is building a global police state and war at the mercy of universal commodification. Together with the exclusion from representation institutional, is completing, to force legislators to serve the imperialist moloch of lobotomized fundamentalist S. Peter and their supervisors, repressors, thugs and torturers of the order, the removal of unruly survivors from the streets and even, in a little while, 'the communication. Cachmirato drawl with the lamb will comfort presumptuous twittering irrelevance in the parlors of vipperia third-rate, and bragging about being successful in the enterprise, planned since 1993 to bribe the Communists and eliminate the prospect of liberation from classes and peoples, with the added value Millions of rent due on the fifth column. Since these parts instead of a Chavez or Fidel, or become an army Maoist election, we Flavia d'Angeli and Salvatore Cannata (what the company called Cia between the global justice "Otpor" of the "color revolutions"), resign ourselves to see ourselves forced into the mountains. The arrival of the tsunami catastrophe of capitalism worldwide, irrevocable confrontation between the great powers, the 'invincible resistance of Iraqis, Afghans, Latin America, tomorrow others will be the move of the horse scombinerà everything. As in '17. Let us prepare. Before the world dies. "
I find this script - itself simultaneously bleak and disturbing - send a secure message dystopian, but highly illuminating about thinking "left".
We are facing what could be more absurd and Holocaust denier, who has never seen, we are in the presence of a left that exalts the values \u200b\u200bof peace and equality among people, only to take as a model (with a sigh of envy) Chavez, or Fidel Morales, ie the crème of South American Marxist dictatorship-indifferent. This
left (to George), and culture, but only produces ignorance. This is left for non-violence, but then uses the streets as his only weapon to challenge the violence, the stone-throwing or launching of fire extinguishers. This is left for dialogue with those who are different, or those who think differently, only to insult the Pope preventing to speak or, in other places, condemning the protesters, because - it is clear - in the twisted logic of Grimaldi and his dachshund there is only one truth: theirs!
Sometimes the Communists repeatedly mentioning Orwell and his 1984, I would yell at them in the face "Gentlemen, I - unlike you - I read this book, and Orwell certainly was not referring to the United States, but the USSR. The forms of control that you attribute to others, have been systematically implemented in the countries ruled by those who were or are, your role models. " Fulvio Grimaldi
I wonder if he could throw his bile with impunity if it had been in the Cuban city against Castro, and I think not!
I have dwelt too much, probably making this article stupid, pedantic and redundant, but I remember a quote dear to the hard-core Communists sessantottino post, namely "We Communists are a mistake of history." It's true gentlemen, you are a mistake of history, but the story - you know - always corrects his mistakes, and today the red pencil of the story has completed, right here, his work of correction of errors that began many years ago at the dawn of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the USSR.
Dear friends.
aftermath elections, the Left has paid a river of tears (vitriolic) election outcome. Not being able to do is blame themselves, how it was handled and how the matter was concluded, have sought scapegoats and excuses of any kind, not only to challenge their underlying ideology, namely that communism that history has definitively buried here too.
recently on the site "Bread and Roses" published an article by Fulvio Grimaldi (you remember? What RAI 3 always appeared in the company of a dachshund), in which the stupidity and bad faith constitute the plot same one which is basted the post-election analysis. With this in mind I am reminded of an observation: if the left really wants to reestablish itself and if these are the basics of Grimaldi "cultural" from which you want to leave, then for the Italian left is no more hope.
"Election 2008. They won the criminals: mobsters, fascists, racists, baciapile, thieves, crooks, war criminals, stupid, ignorant, incompetent. They lost the other, equal but with a "crypto" in front: criptomafiosi, criptorazzisti, crypto fascist ... More criptoladri Colletorto a good dose of direct obedience to the Vatican and bigot. And all this was the order of things after sixty years of corruption ethical and ideological Democrat-piccista nearly two decades of cabaret and behind the scenes with berlusconide lupare, triangles, and the Supreme Court. "
Now. The undersigned voted PDL, and that an idiot who brings a dachshund on a leash to do pee on trees, you help determine thief, thug or mobster, is what makes me turn the testicles much!
Lords of the left should start to re-establish themselves, perhaps starting with the elimination of the insufferable arrogance, accompanied by an innate sense of superiority which has always distinguished them; should learn not just open internal feuds, opening fruitful seasons of cleanup 'Governing system for recover a relationship with the people (the same that they despise), interrupted for years now.
The Italian left is locked in an ivory tower and piss on his head who is below and struggle to lead a decent existence unless you, saving only the chosen few from the crowd attending the "right people" that they, who continue demagoguery to make salon, preaches a class - the working-ed - that they have now lost forever. But let's move
"But for all the gods, hath been taken by Fausto Bertinotti balls, with his whole court of miracles, its prey Tibetan monks eager to prepubescent slaves and small children, his ominicchi, pimps, quaquaraquà, its truffles, hypocrites, Pharisees, his blasphemous auditors of the '900 and communism, disguised as her feminist harpies ginocrate firmaiole of wars and genocide, its good, mild, nonviolent disarmament unilateral long as it is our or the Palestinians or Iraqis or Afghans, and his quacks that the class struggle replace a "cultural trend." as dictated by the vampires in this long night of class. And his ultramodesti sappers to Jordan, his shackles talking with his ass in the hot corner, the Russian Pena, his oxymorons, the Gennaro Migliore, the opposition of His Majesty, a vociferous pants down, the fats and Burgio, its dealers to Dejana and Menapace, its "hold me-good-i-global justice and municipal intrufolaci in the business, the Sentinelli. What people, guys, what people! One consolation is: you Ogliera t even half of that tabloid hoaxes is the political and ideological "liberation" of Sionetti. After the Parliament, the final contribution. And that, in the case of most comic adulterated in Italy, is a relief "
What can I say ... I could gloss saying that after reading a period (literary means) so convulsive, any comment is superfluous and each has its own considerations on. But NO!
Of course, the left - this left - Has sold itself to banks, large industrial and power and is surrounded by pseudo-intellectuals to Fuksas, but the criticism by Grimaldi from the pulpit that they come from? First, by people who - for better or for worse - has shared a common path, both in terms of the ideals that interest.
rushes us into the abyss together, when the road you traveled was the same: a road paved with mistakes, stained by the blood of dissidents and built on a populist project. Too easy
star on the mountain top watching the burning town, repeating their curses and hurling curses on those who set the fire. However, this is the classic attitude of those who for years has prevented an evolution of the left in Italy, flattening the positions of the "do not" or - worse - the "lassez faire" for the exclusive benefit of their friends and friends of friends.
"E" il manifesto "? What I assume all the pillars of the dome accepting imperialist and revitalizing the founding fraud, 9 / 11 to Al Qaeda, from "his holiness" the Dalai Lama - Our boy boasts Bush - the "genocide" in Darfur, from Mugabe " bloodthirsty dictator ", which deprives the good white land consecrated by British colonialism, to give to blacks as incompetent and lazy, the other "Dictator", the poor of Milosevic ever made ethnic cleansing and murder in prison by the will of Carla del Ponte, PM could not demonstrate even one of his accusations Amerikan. And what of Thomas De Francesco evaporated highlights for hours in a book attempting to cover up his infamy as a judge sold to rippers of Yugoslavia and slaughtered one-way alleged "criminals" Serbs, with the rotting fig leaf to prosecution cutthroat and "prime minister of Kosovo, Hashim Taqi, he too had done some killing. "The Manifest" Ciotola of Mariucci at the end, moved her from Hillary to Obama falls in love, even danger to the blob Veltroni; of Giuliana Sgrena, who clouded with tears in their universal whine of the anti-Islamic fundamentalist perfidy; of Roxanna Rossanda, groom pacifist horror bomber Adriano Sofri, panegiricista duped the stars and stripes who directs the TG1, authenticated BR determination on that fake Mafia kissingeriana Israeli-made out of Aldo Moro, who rears a luxury feminist arrogance that even Rocky-Rambo, environmentalist fearful of the end of the world that fights to the end of Venice is arguing with the scam of the sword " Mose. " And Valentino Parlato? Better to hang a veil on her increasingly decrepit and bilious reprimands to readers who do not share unblemished Left in favor of the rainbow, or feel that the newspaper gingillino a chic and trendy, advanced by dominant stereotypes domain through the intervention of rare internal and external partners more often (may Allah bless them and Orpheus). Think, for Veltroni and Bertinotti (a transgender classes and his reggicoda: I beg you, Walter, let me go with you ...) to the "manifesto" voted over 62% (and thus also the Venerable Master Dario For, after ' thrilling adventure with the wife of Peter). "
know what I mean by" evolution of the left "? In light of reading the above I think so! It was just
the attitude of these gentlemen, that is only now that the ship sank and all deny everything, to prevent the birth of a left that had real capacity for governance and dialogue with the opposing party.
Think about it, the merger between former DC and PCI ex, responds to this need, never openly admitted by the ruling class of the left, namely to find a legitimacy to their status of "clearance" through a political force that had a history Government and Opposition.
The failed attempt of accreditation from the body of election by Occhetto (the joyous war machine, remember?), Has produced a veritable state of paranoia within the Italian left, which has thus got rid dell'Achille above, replacing it with a squad of former team (ex, only former) Christian Democrats, led by Prodi. However, this
engulfed the other hand (those who wanted to swallow were swallowed up), has produced a real monster, unrecognizable in the lines and ideology, completely headless and guided only by the interests of big business, by power groups and so but then, populism cattocomunista.
Now that the party is over, now that foolish choices have led to the sad fate of the car left the destruction is too easy, and frankly disgusting, to throw sea \u200b\u200beveryone and everything. You throw out the baby with the bathwater - Veltroni would say the poor - but George has shared much of what he now describes as "ballast", which makes it quite frankly not credible.
"We expect most terrible times. We're on a bobsled run and rush to the bottom at speeds demented and unable to see and understand what passes by and what to expect upon arrival. The global criminal elite, who in imitation of the two ruffians disputed on Sunday-Monday, has its local Maliki and Abu Mazen, is building a global police state and war at the mercy of universal commodification. Together with the exclusion from representation institutional, is completing, to force legislators to serve the imperialist moloch of lobotomized fundamentalist S. Peter and their supervisors, repressors, thugs and torturers of the order, the removal of unruly survivors from the streets and even, in a little while, 'the communication. Cachmirato drawl with the lamb will comfort presumptuous twittering irrelevance in the parlors of vipperia third-rate, and bragging about being successful in the enterprise, planned since 1993 to bribe the Communists and eliminate the prospect of liberation from classes and peoples, with the added value Millions of rent due on the fifth column. Since these parts instead of a Chavez or Fidel, or become an army Maoist election, we Flavia d'Angeli and Salvatore Cannata (what the company called Cia between the global justice "Otpor" of the "color revolutions"), resign ourselves to see ourselves forced into the mountains. The arrival of the tsunami catastrophe of capitalism worldwide, irrevocable confrontation between the great powers, the 'invincible resistance of Iraqis, Afghans, Latin America, tomorrow others will be the move of the horse scombinerà everything. As in '17. Let us prepare. Before the world dies. "
I find this script - itself simultaneously bleak and disturbing - send a secure message dystopian, but highly illuminating about thinking "left".
We are facing what could be more absurd and Holocaust denier, who has never seen, we are in the presence of a left that exalts the values \u200b\u200bof peace and equality among people, only to take as a model (with a sigh of envy) Chavez, or Fidel Morales, ie the crème of South American Marxist dictatorship-indifferent. This
left (to George), and culture, but only produces ignorance. This is left for non-violence, but then uses the streets as his only weapon to challenge the violence, the stone-throwing or launching of fire extinguishers. This is left for dialogue with those who are different, or those who think differently, only to insult the Pope preventing to speak or, in other places, condemning the protesters, because - it is clear - in the twisted logic of Grimaldi and his dachshund there is only one truth: theirs!
Sometimes the Communists repeatedly mentioning Orwell and his 1984, I would yell at them in the face "Gentlemen, I - unlike you - I read this book, and Orwell certainly was not referring to the United States, but the USSR. The forms of control that you attribute to others, have been systematically implemented in the countries ruled by those who were or are, your role models. " Fulvio Grimaldi
I wonder if he could throw his bile with impunity if it had been in the Cuban city against Castro, and I think not!
I have dwelt too much, probably making this article stupid, pedantic and redundant, but I remember a quote dear to the hard-core Communists sessantottino post, namely "We Communists are a mistake of history." It's true gentlemen, you are a mistake of history, but the story - you know - always corrects his mistakes, and today the red pencil of the story has completed, right here, his work of correction of errors that began many years ago at the dawn of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the USSR.
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