you post an article, downloaded from the internet some time ago (can not remember exactly when and where), which - in light of current events - it seems more timely than ever. Gavino Sanna, in fact, this article - interview, expressed his regret at all, wonder and awe, to be was used as a puppet in order to build a campaign that has (hainoi) brought the beautiful Rene, as president of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia.
In fact, after that event, the odds are hopelessly Sanna tended increasingly to the downside.
But what are the sights (not even veiled) of Renato from Sanluri? Simple, to earn as much as possible (in the broad sense) from this story, manage and demagogic ride to the end, and - finally - to monetize all proposing itself as a national leader of the PD, instead of the poor Veltroni.
conclude with a suggestion for the new campaign Soru, proposing the following slogan: "Would you buy a used car from this man?". Good reading.
About Soru?
Rather than pigeonhole the pseudo-dictatorship Soru in specific deployments (the usual left and right ...) I think it is useful to go to the source of the genesis of the character. Soru was born thanks to the media-advertising Gavino Sanna, who contributed a lot to make a president. But, as he said in an interview a year ago to the Corriere della Sera, has repented bitterly. We carry the most significant passages: "It 's a gray man, never smiles, surrounded himself with licking gold and gravediggers of ideas . There, he said," Soru better than badly accompanied . "Here he denies "Better Soru? Maybe not." Last year, Gavino Sanna, class 1940, the Italian advertising to the world's most awarded, the singer of Fiat and Barilla, returned to his native Sardinia and filled with posters that say " is not all that glitters their , "that the center could make it, in that region was the best President Renato Soru possible. One year, a century ago. Today the Divine Gavin has changed his mind, has run into furious withdrew his home in Milan and has filled 65 pages of a manual white The pee upwind, to deny that Mr. Tiscali is the right man and that the island can gleam something. He writes about money ever paid, provincial ungrateful. The guru who remove Soru " It 's a gentleman who would not for a friend. Such good friends, I do not need. We must be loyal, clean, open. He is one that you and disposable as toilet paper .
It gives the liar, accusing him of his associates stole the ideas . E ' a violent outburst. "I hatched enough. Until the end, I was hoping to have to choose between Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde. I speak of a man who seems to all but a gentleman and it is not .
Why do you put together, then? "And 'he was calling me. He told me he dreamed of Sardinia. I agreed to give him the election campaign. I became his alter ego, I am exposed to this island of beggars who s'esaltano for Balent, the Sardinians, this dance. People who masturbates in the mirror and think of having her Sophia Loren. I took slaps, for him. "
And he? " disappeared. Maria said that Charter in Sardinia envy kills more than malaria: aesthetic Strapaese they attacked me for the Region stand at the Fiera di Milano, the new brand of the Four Moors ... He, silence. It keeps my plans in the drawer, as if I had leprosy. Most of affection was an SMS on the evening of the victory. Two words: "Congratulations. Renato" .
Better to work with industrialists? " Absolutely. Giovanni Rana was like Soru: did not know him, he had a product to sell, I tried, it has become famous. The only difference is that Rana is nice '.
And yes she enjoyed the blessing of D'Alema ... " Blessing ... Claudio Velardi was wondering what I was doing and tell me what I should do. He remained half an hour and went .
Skip to the center? " No, I do not care about politics. I worked in America in the Nixon campaign: there, if one does a candidate win, was carried in triumph. Here is a petty thing. I was for years in the School Board of experimental cinema. But since I "was" Soru, An has been received by the Minister for Urban and my head. Expect to arrive at the school to replace the girlfriend of some powerful .
But in courting the ... Polo " Comincioli Romano, Forza Italy, asked me to give up and support Soru Mauro Pili, candidate of the center. Pili is a friend, but there is the same dream .
And Berlusconi? " known him for a while. The first time was in Milan, a dinner of advertisers to Gaul. She stared at me. I was annoyed. He said, 'Dear Sanna, a young man wore his hair long like her. Then I cut them and my life changed. Let's make a pact: if you cut them, we give you the ". I never obeyed .
But you give yourself having fun ... " When he saw my campaign for Soru, has made me the compliments. He added: "Too bad that that is a fool" .
on this, maybe you agree .. . "Soru is things to advertising. U.S. bases to Mary Magdalene: good fight, right, but then did not take home anything. The villas, two kilometers from the coast to ban them because there is in the public persona, not because we believe. Demagoguery. It 'a rich man buys poverty and distribution to people who do not want it .
I have omitted the final part of the article, out of respect for the man, before the advertising, because they know he launches into a series of comments and opinions on subjects of right and left, which will be promptly denied the story (and the last elections). There remain, however, the opinions about man Soru, this slimy individual, a liar and unscrupulous, who made the false demagoguery of environmentalism and a banner behind which to conceal a policy based on bad business and customers.
enough to remember only the main stages of his "management" of regional policy:
- Law salvacoste;
- collapse of agriculture;
- abandonment of archaeological sites (pace than that of caryatid Lilliu)
- Abbanoa;
- Filth as varied as the matter of "right identity", to become hotel 5 stars;
- destruction of the rail system and freight;
etc, etc. ....
short, "the only man in command, has revealed for what it is: a cunning and ruthless individual, able to grip on the masses of left and / or whatever, you only around of "foolish servant," or those individuals who he put in command, and act remotely controlled by him.
Soru, in short, embodies the worst of the worst political culture - business on the left (Prodi docet), and always offers more as a national leader of a party now in disarray. Woe to us, such as Sardinians and Italians, if legitimate by a broad consensus (even in defeat), this obscure individual, because the damage to national Scalla that could result from a credit to his senior management of the first opposition party, may be incalculable.
Renato Soru is young, unfortunately, and those who tell us that no further claims to the investiture candidate "Premier"? It could do this! Basically you should just wait a couple of years and then stirring up the usual masses cattocomuniste and whatever - perhaps with the complicity of Tonino - could stand tall, presenting the same mix of political malfeasance and tested in Sardinia, but this time on a national scale .
stuff of creepy!
hypothesis from science fiction? Well, sometimes the fiction has seen farther than those who were thinking about the "facts", and this reassures me at all.
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