Monday, February 7, 2011

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Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Goshiki Tricolor'

Family: Oleaceae
common name: variegated osmanthus

ETYMOLOGY: The genus name is a combination of two Greek words osmé (smell) and Anthos (flower) to the delicious aroma emanating flowers of plants belonging to this genus. The specific attribute Latin heterophyllus (different leaves) indicates the great variability of leaf shape in this species.

a variety dense and compact, rounded shape, with cream variegated leaves of green, yellow and rose gold, oval to elliptical, deeply toothed, glossy and leathery. The habit is dwarf and growth is slow (up to 1.5 to 1.8 m). It grows well in full sun or light shade, in well-drained soils rich in organic matter. This variety of variegated osmanthus is a valid alternative to the usual variegated hollies, especially in smaller gardens, stands out very well in the mixed border of shrubs and is very suitable for growing in pots.
pruning operations are eclusivamente times to keep the plant bushy and compact.

leaves are fleshy and shiny, similar to those dell'Agrifoglio, green and yellow leaves gold, cream and pink. From September to November appears dense clusters of white flowers, not visible because hidden among the leaves immediately apparent but the intense fragrance of their perfume


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