family Buxaceae
common name: pachisandra
ETYMOLOGY: The genus name is given by the union of the two terms Greek pachys (large) and andros (male element, stamen), for 4 large stamens can be seen in each flower. The attribute specific Latin terminalis marks the location of appearance of the flower panicles, at the height of the plant.
pachisandra is the fast-growing evergreen perennial herb, native to Japan, mainly used for its dark green foliage, persistent in winter, about 20 cm high, which makes a very suitable ground cover plants for shady areas, new shoots arise from the roots during the growing season stolonanti and quickly colonize the entire surface where they are planted.
the leaves obovate-rhomboid shape and dark green, more or less depending on the type of terrain. The foil is fleshy, with serrated margin in the apical zone.
flowers, gathered in the ear apex 3-5 cm long, are small and inconspicuous, without petals, 4 stamens with well- clear, white, sometimes tinged with purple. They appear from late March through the end of April.
recommended varieties: Pachysandra terminalis 'Variegata'
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