Family: Lythraceae
common name: lagestremia
ETYMOLOGY: The genus name is given in honor of Magnus von Lagestroem (1696 - 1759), Swedish naturalist friend of Linnaeus, an importer of many plant species from Asia. The specific attribute indicates Latin recalls the origin of this plant from the Indian subcontinent.
is a small deciduous tree or large shrub native to eastern Europe, from China to Australia, up to 6-8 meters wide and 3-4. It was introduced in Europe in 1759 by Magnus von Lagerstroemia, then director of the East India Company, for the quality of its ornamental features, such as the extraordinary flowering, the beauty of the bark, the color of autumn foliage. The summer bloom of this plant is among the most spectacular and showy, with colors ranging from white to red through all shades of purple, so that the foliage almost in full bloom disappears. grows well in clay soils in sunny, fertile, well drained and rich in organic matter, soil fertilized with manure or mature leaves. Very resistant to low temperatures in urban pollution. In shady flowering is scarce and the plant becomes more susceptible to attack by pests such as aphids and powdery mildew. Even outside of the flowering plant is very elegant in the spring of a small tender green leaves sometimes obovate bronzed in some varieties, which change color in autumn leaves to yellow before falling. It is much used in the most diverse accommodations to green, from simple flowers, tree-lined streets, blooming in large volumes parks. normally nourished sapling has often been used to trivially Abelli with its summer flowering borders and driveways of the houses, maybe a third to evergreen hedges, but can easily be grown in shrub form, for use in flower borders or in groups flowering shrubs mixed.
leaves are deciduous, opposite, almost sessile, oval-elliptical, slightly acuminate towards the apex. I am up to 7 cm long and have the upper surface glossy dark green, while the lower and lighter opaque
the trunk is ribbed, wider at the base and covered with a thin skin yellowish white with darker patches, which has a tendency to fall apart in a very decorative
the flowers of different colors depending on variety, large 2 - 3 cm, ruffled petals, appear in large numbers on the branches of the year, in panicles up to 15-25 cm long apical. Flowering is from July to October. To obtain more vigorous flowering on young branches, prune in winter should all branches of the previous year be shortened by at least two-thirds. From the remaining stumps, it will originate new fighter that will mature in mid-summer to the top of their flower spikes. Usually the plants are pruned more severely brought up the tree, but not crop plants grown as large shrubs or stains
appear in late summer, clusters of small round and dried fruits, which open at maturity, leaving out the seeds
entire plant takes on a very flashy and flamboyant autumn , with foliage that turns a glossy dark green in summer to shade the first yellow, then orange and fiery red in autumn.
appear in late summer, clusters of small round and dried fruits, which open at maturity, leaving out the seeds
entire plant takes on a very flashy and flamboyant autumn , with foliage that turns a glossy dark green in summer to shade the first yellow, then orange and fiery red in autumn.
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