family Sapindaceae
common name: golden rain tree
ETYMOLOGY: The genus name is given in honor of JG Koelreuter (1733-1806), German botanist, author of essays on sexuality plants and cryptogams. The Latin word paniculata indicates the pyramidal inflorescences with flowers, a cob.
is a deciduous tree of medium size, fast growth, up to 9-10 m high, native of northern China, but little used in the gardens very attractive for its beautiful foliage, showy flowers and fruits very decorative. The foliage is sparse and irregular in young plants, while in the adult has a more compact form.
It fits perfectly with any type of soil, while those preferring deep, rich and well drained. Very well tolerated air pollution, heat, wind, dust and alkalinity of the soil, and thus is very suitable for use in the gardens of the city. While tolerating light shade, prefers Sunny and certainly does not need pruning except to eliminate branches that arise directly on the trunk.
E 'essence little used but that deserves a wider distribution, both for its outstanding ornamental features, and because the cultivation is very simple. It 'a very suitable plant for small gardens, but in the larger city parks and can be grown as an isolated specimen, the better to bring out its beauty in all seasons.
the bark is light brown or reddish brown, usually wrinkling shallow, reddish on the bottom
leaves are compound, imparipinnate, 40-50 cm long, with 7-15 leaves nearly oval and serrated margin, giving the hair look much light and fluffy. Before the fall of autumn hues take on a coppery-yellow rather ornamental.
to the flowers appear from June to July, very beautiful and showy, yellow, borne in erect panicles 25-30 cm high
fruits, green-yellow and then brown at first, consist of foil parchment texture, wedge-shaped, like Chinese lanterns, which contain the seeds blackish and round. The dried fruits have a considerable decorative value, both on the plant is to be collected and placed in floral
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